Thank you for this. i have to admit that i have not been following the trump legal issues other than the headlines.

But your post highlights how important this particular petition is. This is why I subscribe to you and to other writers on Substack. To be enlightened.

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Thanks, David. We all shine our lights where we think others may not looking intently enough. If we're lucky, a few will turn their gazes there.

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By the way, I asked my friend John Blake, who is a Christian in the very best sense, what he thought about the Mike Johnsons and he reminded me that Frederick Douglass called the brand they practice "slaveholder Christianity." Boy, does that fit.

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Of all the wonderful pieces you've written, this is the best.

Beautifully reasoned and structured, 'Democracy and Faith' is a perfect conveyance for delivering readers to the incalculably high stakes they - we all - face in the coming months.

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Thank you, Mirra. Much appreciated. Yes, the threat to the nation from the loss of faith in our system of government spreading to average Americans is, to me, the most critical we face.

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