It so happens that i finished the very last pages of Bleak House late last night. What a great read! I hadn't thought to connect the Trump legal saga with J&J, but it's a great connection.

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Thanks. It's utterly brilliant. Bucket pursuing Lady Dedlock, Jo's death...just one incredible scene after another. In second place for me is Our Mutual Friend, which is not nearly as widely read but almost as good.

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Thanks! After a respectful break, I'lll try OMF.

Bucket turned out to be my favorite character for the very reason you mentioned. So brilliant to see his brilliant machinations of pursuit through Esther's eyes. If my post is a bit wobbly this weekend, it's because after a certain point I just couldn't put Bleak House down.

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Ha! I know just what you mean. If you're interested in adaptations, the one starring Diana Rigg is not half bad. Dickens is a fascinating character...among his many other achievements, he invented the paperback. (Our friend Jason Epstein invented the trade paperback. More about that next week.)

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