Weep for the republic...What about Gavin ? Tall, blonde, and fast on his feet. Despite being from California.

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Well, he isn't blond, at least I don't think so. In any event, he would not have an advantage in the Midwest, which is where this election will be won or lost. I'm a Gretchen Whitmer fan...

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Exactly right. Not sure who though.

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I'm a Gretchen Whitmer fan...she could help bring in the Midwest, where the election will be won or lost.

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I feel like this would all be easier if Kamala Harris were a stronger potential candidate. I live in the SF Bay Area and she has always been popular here and in California, but seems to be a dud nationally. A lot of this may have to do with racism and sexism, but so be it. And many Black voters feel taken for granted by the Democratic party, justifiably so. That said, I wish the Dems would just replace Biden with a straight white male a couple decades younger, and I say that as someone who was a baby fangirl of Geraldine Ferraro who would love to see a woman in the Oval Office. Now is not the time to take chances, as sorry as that makes me.

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No, I think Gretchen Whitmer would be a big score. She could go a long way to carrying the Midwest, which is where this election will be won...or lost. But Biden turns out to be just like every other living-in-a-cocoon politician. He will blame everyone but himself.

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Then she'd most likely need to replace Kamala Harris, as I'm not sure America is ready for a female prez & veep. Raphael Warnock, maybe?

Of course, living in California, where I voted AGAINST Dianne Feinstein in 2018 because I thought it was insane to elect an 85-year-old to a six-year term, I realize that it's awfully hard to convince elderly politicians to step down...

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True. I think Harris could be...dissuaded...with the promise of a cabinet post followed by a Supreme Court nomination if a vacancy opened up. That's how we got Earl Warren. Eisenhower promised him a SC spot in return for delivering California, which he did.

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