
It's incredibly depressing. And, sadly, it is unlikely to improve. Demographics is a big part of the problem. Palestinian birthrate is really high and so is the Israelis' especially among the ultra-orthodox. That's a lot of people trying to fit into a pretty small country.

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Thank you for writing so clearly and calmly about a topic that has everyone riled up, even in Ukraine, and among Ukraine supporters.

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Thanks. History doesn't always give an exact road map, but it usually helps provide perspective. There's still a risk that the war will spread out of control, especially with Russia jumping in to distract everyone from Ukraine, but it isn't really in Hezbollah's or Iran's interest. Most times, that causes supposed allies to back away, as it has so far here.

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It's not a new strategy - the 1929 Hebron Massacre is a better comparison -- Arabs murdered and ethnically cleansed Jews from Hebron. There is even the parallel of a child beheaded. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre

The proximal excuse was the same -- "to protect the Al Aqsa Mosque". And the distal cause was similar to today - to influence the great power (Britain) to freeze Jewish immigration.

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Agreed. But the strategy, ineffective as it may be, cannot and will not change because that would require the softening of absolutist thinking, which is exceptionally difficult to do. We see examples of that everywhere, none more apparent than in our own current political ossification.

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I appreciate your perspective. I’m fearful and saddened about all the needless killing with no game plan or way out in sight.

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