I would concur, anyone but Trump AND DeSantis! Haley and others at least restore faith in American democracy. Trump is politically dangerous, and DeSantis who tried to ride is coattails is culturally dangerous. As long as someone else emerges out of the Republic party I will be able to sleep at night... How we have come to this - having to possibly use to the 14th Amendment for this election- is amazing and sad.

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Yes, Haley seems to be someone you can disagree with on policy without thinking she's just pandering to the lowest denominator among conservatives. This is not the first time an amendment has been used to impact elections. There are at least five of them that have changed the way presidents, and in one case, senators are elected. This would be a unique application to be sure and the odds of it holding up are less than 50-50, but it gives Trump and his lawyers yet another thing to worry about.

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Anyone but Trump! Just the thought of him winning makes me sick. And yes, I feel somewhat nervous even writing this because it shows you how challenged the democratic system has become and would continue to be in extreme if he got reelected. But I hope you’re right.

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I agree about the visceral feelings, and yes, I do think the chances of him being elected are small. The court cases will actually matter...I wrote a piece about it before you subscribed...and don't underestimate how unpopular he his. All everyone talks about is "his base," but that's only about a third of the electorate. Almost everyone else can't stand him.

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i think she would win!

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So do I. Biden would beat Trump, I think, and likely DeSantis, just because both of them are sufficiently loathsome to cost them enough votes to let Biden squeak through. But Haley, once she's campaigning nationally against Democrats would be a powerhouse.

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