This is an excellent take on the situation imho. I meditated this morning with a 94 year old British-American man who worked for the UN for his entire career, mostly in Africa. For the first time ever he was optimistic about the upcoming election, which surprised me. We'll see. I'm still pretty terrified that we're heading toward fascism.

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American democracy is fraught, no doubt about it, but Republicans have underperformed in three straight national elections and popular sentiment is favorable. Republicans are in far worse shape than Democrats...assuming Democrats recognize that the imperfect is a better alternative than the disastrous.

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Great points. Incredibly scary if Trump gets reelected. So important to get out and vote.

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Indeed. Like it or not, Democrats who refused to vote for Hillary because they were furious that Bernie didn't the nomination may well have given us Trump. The two-party system is imperfect, to say the least, but, as the man said..."It's the only game in town."

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