I agree with you completely here. Terrifying turn.

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It is indeed. And the remedy, as we saw last night, is an aroused electorate that actually believes in freedom, instead of just preaching about it.

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I wrote a post a while back that we all live in Gordon Gekko's world now.

Scary thoughts.

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Funny, I was at Drexel during the Milken era, the Gekko model, and left because the group I was with turned out to be as dishonest as he was. But yes, we seem to have lost the sense that the middle class actually does better when the classes just below them are contributing to the economy, and thus providing both workers and markets to the benefit of both.

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The “Fascism Of Greed.” I never thought of it that way but aside from challenging the American Dream, it seems spot on.

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Thanks. The flip side is the same Americans with a bloated sense of entitlement have also divorced themselves from any sense of obligation to help their fellow Americans in need.

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