Abortion seemed to be a winning issue in the off-year election and I hope it will bring women out to vote again in November.

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It is and it will, but I suspect the Court will not ban mifepristone, and I hope that doesn't suppress the fury. Trump is stuck with backing a national abortion ban--although he'll try to end run it--so that will help when the campaign heats up.

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I’m a Canadian but November looms large for us too. I can only pray that Biden’s current queasiness around the pro-Hamas contingent is driven by a equal disgust with all far right theocracy. Otherwise, democracy faces another existential risk. Note that I talk in code because Islamists have invented a word to prevent discourse about its plans.

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Indeed. Democracy is an unforgiving system. If you stay home, the other folks get to make the rules. If you don't participate, you lose the option of complaining. Sitting around with your chin out in righteous indignation is tacit acceptance of what you claim to hate. Sadly, there is not nearly sufficient recognition of those fundamental truths.

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As the political toilitteratti are fond of saying: “You can’t sh*t here if your assh*le is in Ottawa.

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Ha. That definitely sums it up.

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The battle of the election will be fought along the lines of getting out the vote for certain demographics vs. suppressing the vote for the same demographics. I'm going to express my wife's and my political choices by choosing the most effective and data driven organizations to get out the vote. Voter Participation Center is one leading candidate for us.

Here's their site.


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Thanks. I do a lot of work with Flip The Vote. https://www.flipthevote.org/. They're terrific. They identify groups in swing states that focus on voter registration and turnout and then channel 100% of any money they raise to those groups. One group in Wisconsin, BLOC, Black Leaders Organizing Communities, might have made the difference in 2020. You, and everyone who reads this, should absolutely check them out.

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